Tube Room Cashier: A description for the tube room cashier job

Clerical And Sales Jobs » Computing And Account Recording Jobs » Cashiers And Tellers » Tube Room Cashier

Tube Room Cashier: Computes and records cash receipts, issues operating funds, receives money and makes change, via pneumatic tube, to assist cashiering personnel in department store: Issues bank (operating funds) to cashiering stations. Receives, via pneumatic tube, carriers containing money and sales slips from sales departments, and makes change, using cash drawer and change dispenser. Records individual payments received, using adding machine. Inserts change into carrier and routes, via tube, for return to specified department. Receives bank and cash receipts from departments and c.o.d. collections from delivery-truck drivers, tallies cash receipts, and verifies cash against accompanying reports. Sorts and counts currency, checks, refunds, and gift certificates. Stacks currency manually and sorts, counts, and wraps coins, using machine. Computes totals, using adding machine, and records on daily report. Corrects faulty entries on individual cash reports received. May also perform tasks without use of pneumatic tube.

Job industry: retail industry

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