Evaluator: A description for the evaluator job
Jobs In Medicine And Health » Jobs In Education » Jobs In Education Of Persons With Disabilities » Evaluator
Evaluator: Assesses type and degree of disability of handicapped children to aid in determining special programs and services required to meet educational needs: Reviews referrals of children having or suspected of having learning disabilities, mental retardation, behavioral disorders, or physical handicaps to determine evaluation procedure. Confers with school or other personnel and scrutinizes records to obtain additional information on nature and severity of disability. Observes student behavior and rates strength and weakness of factors for example rapport, motivation, cooperativeness, aggression, attention span, and task completion. Selects, administers, and scores variety of preliminary tests to measure individual’s aptitudes, educational achievements, perceptual motor skills, vision, and hearing. Reports findings for staff consideration in placement of children in educational programs. May also test preschool children to detect learning handicaps and recommend followup activities, consultation, or services. May also administer work related tests and review records and other data to assess student vocational interests and abilities. May also specialize in evaluating student readiness to transfer from special classes to regular classroom, and in providing supportive services to regular classroom teacher and be designated Mainstreaming Facilitator (education industry).
Job industry: education industry
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