Rug Drying Machine Operator: A description for the rug drying machine operator job

Processing Jobs » Jobs In Processing Of Leather Textiles And Related Products » Separating Filtering And Drying Jobs » Separating Filtering And Drying Jobs » Rug Drying Machine Operator

Rug Drying Machine Operator: Tends machine that dries spools of dyed carpeting: Positions spools of wet material on machine brackets and ties ends to asbestos strips in machine. Turns switches to regulate speed of intake and exhaust blowers and to obtain specified temperature from infrared and gas heat units. Starts machine and observes as carpet emerges from discharge end and winds onto spools to determine if drying meets specifications. Observes gauges and adjusts switches to maintain specified temperature in drying chamber. May also run carpet through swing-folding attachment as carpet emerges from machine.

Job industry: carpet industry

Other job descriptions:
Rug Drying Machine Operator
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